New Belt-supported law closes loophole for catalytic converter thefts

CHICAGO – To address the increase in car part thefts, State Senator Christopher Belt supported a proposal requiring people to keep record of the sale of catalytic converters that was signed into law Friday.

“Catalytic converter thefts have skyrocketed, leaving far too many working people without a reliable vehicle,” said Belt (D-Swansea).

House Bill 107 adds catalytic converters to the definition of recyclable metal, requiring record keeping on the purchase of catalytic converters. The license plate number of the vehicle, photographs or video of the seller, a verified name and address of the seller, and a signed declaration by the seller stating that the catalytic converter was not stolen will be required.

In addition, the new law prohibits a recyclable metal dealer from purchasing a catalytic converter with a value over $100 with cash.

According to a recent State Farm study, Illinois ranks in the top five states in the nation for catalytic converter thefts.

“Addressing the increase in stolen car parts is vital now more than ever,” Belt said. “This proposal tightens the law that people are finding a way around.”

The new law takes effect immediately.